The idea with the sheets of my dowry, came to my mind on 2002 and puzzled me until 2010.
The reason was completing a moving, where I found myself suddenly, in front of a totally new environment with new things.
While clearing of old things, I came across my dowry sheets. I initially thought I would use them to clean my brushes. The emotion I felt unwrapping them one by one in my art studio, gave me the idea to create something new. I felt that those sheets carried a whole history and that it was my sole connection with my past. I started making embroideries, drawing them, cutting them and using them for various manufactures, small dolls and animals and taking pictures of them. Here, the idea of the “couples” was born.
The wedding of Kadmos and Harmony
Sheet of artist’s dowry, thread, embroidery, textile color, 205 cm x 250 cm, 2009